Preparing Your Team For An Office Move

Ray Victor
Last Updated:
September 25, 2023

Office moves can be super exciting! You’re moving out to expand your business as well as your team. And, of course, with growth, comes more responsibility. Plus, your office is your company’s main engine. - The drive that forces the entire team into more productivity. So, of course, this move should be a success. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Whether you’re moving across the street or to a whole new city, prepping your team is a must! A shiny new office sounds like the ideal for any growing business, and it is. But when you realize it’s not just a one-person move but instead, an entire office, things can get overwhelming. It’s best to know the precise tricks that make moving an office easy! 

How to prepare your team for a move?

Plan ahead of time 

If you’ve planned to move your office to a new setup, chances are you’ve discussed this with your team. - Or at least the majority! Planning ahead of time gives you the edge of making the move easier, mentally and physically! Plan out all important aspects of this move with your team. 

Discussing things like locations, moving time, and when to resume work are all great ideas to start with! You’ll find that doing this can make the entire process easier. And the lesser stress, the better for an easy and smooth move. Doing so will allow you to unpack and move into the new office faster! 

Saving Tip: How to save the most money on your move?

To-do lists are your best friend!

Before you initiate your big move, you'd probably want everything at your old office to be complete! This includes going through dated documents and organizing everything for the new office. Something like creating to-do lists allows you to do this! 

Make lists of what you need and lists of what you already have. From storage boxes to wrapping sheets, make a list of everything!

This will help all of you stay on track and finish key objectives so that you get a fresh start at the new place! 

Note: What to keep in mind when moving?

Communicate openly with your employees 

Many people struggle with making big moves in their business due to inadequate communication with their team. Communication is a significant component in making smooth business ventures. 

So, when something as key as communication is lacking, the entire team suffers and costs the company a lot more than just financial loss. Try communicating with employees and let them know if this move is stressing you out. This way, you’re letting them into the company’s actuality. They will be more inclined to take this move seriously. 

Must Read: Pros and cons of hiring a removal company

Create separate storage units

One of the best ways to conclude a successful office move is to keep everything separate and organized. This means you’d have to make that extra effort instead of slack and jumble everything into one box. Not only will that cause you more stress, but unpacking in the new office will take forever! 

It might even mess with significant business operations that would have to face delay as you won’t be fully moved yet. Instead of the move being something good for the company, it could make it counterproductive instead. And that is a big NO! 

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